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How do you protect children when the school shooter first enters the room? The Extreme Danger Gap

Donald Drummond

Todd Drummond explains how the Safe Space Security Desk provides 99% protection to students in the classroom. Before, students literally have no protection once the shooter enters the classroom.

The Extreme Danger Gap is the time between when the shooter starts the attack to when the student has protection.

The Parkland Shooting convinced Todd to come out of retirement and combine forces with his Son, Donald, to start development on the Safe Space Security Desk. By starting off with fundamentals, they began design with a few major key things in mind.

  1. Minimize time the student is exposed to gunfire

  2. Give students the ability to defend themselves to extend survivability

  3. Minimize impacts to existing active shooter response protocols

By utilizing the student's natural instinct to duck the student can quickly enter the Safe Space Security desk when they realize they're in danger.

By satisfying government testing such as NIJ 0108.01 IIIA and BIFMA X5.5, the Safe Space Security Desk was tested and took over 40 handgun rounds of varying calibers (even the 44 magnum!). The student is surrounded by 450 degrees of proven ballistic protection that significantly enhances their chances of survival until first responders arrive.

With keeping Federal response protocols like the FBI's Run, Hide or Fight and ALERTT (Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training), the desk becomes individual safe spaces for the students. The predetermined spaces eliminate the Chaos Crowd that erupts when students are trying to exist the building while first responders are trying to enter.

The desk was designed to be the "Final Line of Defense" for students faced with an active shooter scenario while organizing First Responder's Response. This Safe Space Security Desk is the only product available that protects the first students attacked in the classroom, offers protection from tornadic activity and malicious fire alarms.

School safety and security products are broken down into four categories. Warning, Visibility, Defense and Response. The SSSD is a Defense product that enables survivability (extending chances of life) and helps organize the First Responder Response.

Defend our Children knows that legislation and communities have to come together in order to implement the Final Line of Defense for students in the classroom. It is our job as adults. How many students have we lost that were to grow up to become Doctors, Physicists, World Leaders? You can help right now by taking 90 seconds to connect your AmazonSmile account to Defend our Children.


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